Jun 17, 2008

Trev's coffee tip

Lately, my Mom has been pretty sick - which among other things has brought my brother Trevor down from San Francisco for several extended stays. It's been great to hang out with him again and share thoughts and love. Among his life's passions is coffee which he holds as one of the purest expressions of humanity (when done right). It's safe to say, he's an expert. He lives in North Beach (SF's Little Italy) just above Cafe Trieste where he once worked as a barista and still visits daily. He once told me an older Italian customer would not accept his espresso because he did not make it with a pure heart - his feelings created bitterness in the shot. If I remember correctly, many months went by before the old man would drink his efforts. Today's entry comes from Trev - it's on blooming coffee if you are using a drip maker. Basically, dry grounds do not always get covered evenly by hot water (the edge gets less than the center) and why cone shaped filters often work better. Pre-moisten the grounds just a little bit, and then let them sit for 30 seconds or so before you start the maker - it allows for all the grounds to hydrate and settle. Less air, more even hot water contact = more flavor. Does this make for a religious coffee experience - no, just a better cup than would be without. The next time your in the City, I encourage you to stop by Trieste and have a real cup. If you see a really tall skinny guy with long fingers and flip flops - it's probably Trevor. Tell him I said Hi.

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